It's funny how one can sit and watch all that is happening in the world and shake their head, provide commentary, and free judgement. It's interesting how when you are out on social media sites, you see all that the world has to offer, good and bad. What most interesting is that you are looking outward.
You can see all that is in front of you. You see things above you - those things that you feel are way above your level. Also, you see things behind you - your regrets. The things that you wished you should have, would have, could have done. You look around and see it all.
Except one thing, we often don't look inside. We don't look to see what we have in us to change the neighborhood, the community, the city. We forget that just one vote can change the course of an election, just one hug can change the day of a classroom full of students, one opportunity can change the financial status of a family, and one prayer can change the outlook of a grim situation.
Look for the one and go for it! The one thing that can change everything for the better.
Life Empowered's one thing was a flyer for a free resume writing session at the library. Here I am 10 years later preparing to celebrate.
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